Tuesday, March 31, 2020

UC Davis Chemistry Major Requirements

UC Davis Chemistry Major RequirementsIf you are planning to major in UCD Chemistry, you will be required to take one of two required courses, Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. It is important to realize that the first requirement is not required, unless you want to major in Physics. This course will offer you some basic knowledge of the physical world and help you prepare for the rest of your degree.A third requirement that is generally required by all students is Biochemistry, which is a foundational requirement for most of the majors at UCD. The Biochemistry major requires some independent study and one core class for this program. This includes Molecular Biology and Genetics, Genomics, Genetics, and Cell Biology, Genetics, and Microbiology.All three of these programs require some form of lab or laboratory course as part of the undergraduate major. The Chemistry department has two such programs. The first is Chemistry 198A, which is one of the prerequisites for the Physical Chemistry major. The second course is called Chem 218, which is also required for the Chemical Foundations major.Two of the major requirements for the Biology and Anatomy majors are Calculus. The Biology major requires Calculus 2 and Calculus 1, and the Anatomy major requires Calculus. If you plan to do both, the department can either supply you with a calculus course in addition to your Calculus 2 course or substitute Calculus for your Calculus 1.If you are already taking any course from the two prerequisites in one of the major requirements, you will be required to pass a technicality exam. If you have not taken one of the prerequisites yet, you will need to get this written permission from the department before you can start taking the course. It is advisable to ask the department if they have any special restrictions or additional fees for this. If you choose to take the technicality exam, you should expect to pay a small fee.The remainder of the course requirements vary for ea ch of the four science disciplines, but each will require some prerequisites in order to fulfill the rest of the requirements. The Biological Sciences major requires biology at the 500 level, which can be substituted with Math 488A. The Chemistry major requires Math 195A, which can be substituted with Math 489A.The second prerequisite for the Science minor in Chemistry is Calculus, which you will be required to take. These two courses are offered in the department of Earth Sciences and must be taken with a grade of C or better. The Physical Sciences minor requires Calculus, Math 426A, and Math 488A, which can be replaced with Math 429.The only other requirement that is not a prerequisite for all of the biology, anatomy, and chemistry majors at UCD is Biomedical Engineering. This course is only offered once per year in the fall, winter, and spring. A pre-licensing exam will be given to students who will be taking this course, so you will have to have taken all of the prerequisites be fore applying to take the course.

Friday, March 6, 2020

New Features Official italki Groups

New Features Official italki Groups One important aspect of learning a language is getting connected into a community of students and teachers.  Thats why we revised our Groups function on italki.  We wanted to make it easier to have discussions about every aspect of learning a language.   What weve done is create official italki Groups for every language.   Each language now has five official groups called: Learning the language Teachers and Schools Tests and Exams Culture and Society Travel, Living Abroad and Study Abroad We made this change in order to consolidate discussions in each language.  All of the previous user-created groups still exist, and you can still create your own group.  As with before, each group is basically a forum where members of the group can create a topic and start a discussions with other group members.   We also wanted to highlight a few interesting ways you could use groups. Many teachers have asked us how they can reach students who are interested in paid tutoring sessions.  Teachers can now post information about themselves in the Teachers and Schools Group (example: Teachers and Schools for learning English).  We think this could be a great place for teachers to market to students, and for students to learn more about a teachers background and teaching style. Another interesting use of groups could be for sharing test knowledge (example: Tests and Exams for learning English.   Now if you are taking a language test such as the  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foriegn Language), the  HSK (the main test for Chinese proficiency), or the  AP Spanish test  (US College Boards test of Spanish competency) you should be able to find discussions about how to prepare for them in the Tests and Exams group for that language.   In general, we just wanted to make it easier for the italki community to connect and communicate with each other.  If you have any questions about how to use groups or want to send us any feedback on the site changes, please click on our feedback link or send us an email (feedback at italki dot com). Your opinions really help us understand where we need to improve the site. And keep reading our blog   well be letting you know about our future updates here. New Features Official italki Groups One important aspect of learning a language is getting connected into a community of students and teachers.  Thats why we revised our Groups function on italki.  We wanted to make it easier to have discussions about every aspect of learning a language.   What weve done is create official italki Groups for every language.   Each language now has five official groups called: Learning the language Teachers and Schools Tests and Exams Culture and Society Travel, Living Abroad and Study Abroad We made this change in order to consolidate discussions in each language.  All of the previous user-created groups still exist, and you can still create your own group.  As with before, each group is basically a forum where members of the group can create a topic and start a discussions with other group members.   We also wanted to highlight a few interesting ways you could use groups. Many teachers have asked us how they can reach students who are interested in paid tutoring sessions.  Teachers can now post information about themselves in the Teachers and Schools Group (example: Teachers and Schools for learning English).  We think this could be a great place for teachers to market to students, and for students to learn more about a teachers background and teaching style. Another interesting use of groups could be for sharing test knowledge (example: Tests and Exams for learning English.   Now if you are taking a language test such as the  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foriegn Language), the  HSK (the main test for Chinese proficiency), or the  AP Spanish test  (US College Boards test of Spanish competency) you should be able to find discussions about how to prepare for them in the Tests and Exams group for that language.   In general, we just wanted to make it easier for the italki community to connect and communicate with each other.  If you have any questions about how to use groups or want to send us any feedback on the site changes, please click on our feedback link or send us an email (feedback at italki dot com). Your opinions really help us understand where we need to improve the site. And keep reading our blog   well be letting you know about our future updates here.

How to Use an Algebra Physics Tutor For Better Results

How to Use an Algebra Physics Tutor For Better ResultsIf you are going to use an algebra physics tutor, make sure that you find a good one who is reliable and competent. There are a lot of online websites that have great guides and how-to's on teaching algebra in the classroom. There are even websites that provide free instructions. But when it comes to a classroom situation, you will need to make sure that you choose a tutor who has experience in teaching algebra.The most important aspect in using a math tutor is in evaluating your learning and how it is coming out in the actual lesson. Some of the different grades that you can get from the teacher are the following: excellent, good, average, acceptable, and poor. Every teacher is going to grade based on their own tastes. They will grade according to the students' abilities. If they are going to grade the same thing every time, then it would be unlikely that you are going to know what your skills are.It will be best if you ask the t eacher why he or she assigned a particular grade. Most of the time, the teacher will give you a specific reason why he or she assigned you a certain grade.When you go to find an algebra physics tutor, ask for recommendations from teachers that you know. You can find a lot of resources online to help you evaluate math tutors. You may be able to find the best one that you need.A math tutor may come up with some very good formulas. But, remember that not all math tutors have the same formulas. You might just end up wasting time while trying to get your students to understand the formula because the teacher has already changed the formula a couple of times.You might just want to save your time for a day or two and try out a different person. However, ifyou need a tutor for a week or two, make sure that you do your homework first. If you do not do your homework, then you will not be able to prepare yourself for your classes. Make sure that you prepare for the lesson properly.Find an alge bra physics tutor that can help you both in the form of a step by step guide on teaching math in the classroom and by being honest and upfront with you. Do not let yourself fall for a scam or a lazy teacher.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Language Center - Learn the Language in a Structured Way

Language Center - Learn the Language in a Structured WayEnglish learning centers offer a way to learn the language in a systematic and practical way. As a foreign language, English is not easy to learn, it is a difficult language to learn. English learning centers are the ideal solution to this problem.English is the official language of Great Britain and the United States. In many other countries, it is spoken as a second language. There are many reasons for this, one being that English is used in business, literature, entertainment, etc.It is important to get the information you need when you are studying English, but when you speak it you only need to understand how to say what you have to say. This can be tricky at times because English is made up of so many different words, idioms, etc. Without a foundation of knowledge, even if you do your best to understand, it will be difficult to speak fluently.There are many online resources available that can help you get started in your E nglish lessons. Some will make things easier while others will help you become fluent. The great thing about these English learning centers is that they combine all of these things in one place, making it easier for you to learn the language and becoming fluent.English skills building can really help you when you go out to work or school and need to communicate with people from other countries. With proper English language skills, you will be able to get by in everyday life much easier. You will be able to get an opportunity to meet people from all over the world who would otherwise never have come in contact with you.The learning center approach of English can help you learn the language in a systematic and practical way. After you learn the basic principles of English, it will be much easier to progress to a more advanced level of vocabulary and more advanced learning skills. It also makes the whole process much easier for those who have problems with speaking.In today's world, le arning English is a great way to be successful. If you are looking for a way to improve your English speaking skills, English skills building center is a great way to go.

Italian Culture at a Glance

Italian Culture at a Glance Learn About the Culture of Italy ChaptersItalian Artists You Should Know AboutItalian Cinema: A Great Way to Improve Your ItalianIn-home Academic Support: An Opportunity to Learn More about Italian CultureFocus on Important Italian Historic FiguresThe Italians have had an enviable culture for many centuries. All across Italia, from Piedmont in Northern Italy to Sicily in Southern Italy, every square inch seems to be drenched cultural riches. Even today, people are still talking about Italian artists and their work.Whether it’s literature, painting, or cinema, Italian culture has gifted us with so much culture worth learning about. If you're considering learning the Italian language, you have to learn about Italy and the influential Italians who led the Renaissance and turned the Italian peninsula into one of the world's most culturally-rich nations.Feel like learning more about Italian culture? You’re in luck. That’s exactly what we’re going to do over the course of this article. DanielaItalian Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuciaItalian Teacher 5.00 (4) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarilùItalian Teacher 5.00 (8) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarcoItalian Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GiusyItalian Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EnricoItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FedericaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsItalian Artists You Should Know AboutThroughout Italy’s history, there have been many famous artists that made their mark on the country’s artistic landscape. While we won't be able to name them all in this article, we'll look at a few of the most important ones.Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is a timeless piece of art. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Dante AlighieriThe Tuscan poet and writer Dante Alighier i was born in Florence in 1265 and died in Ravenna in 1321.Dante, along with Petrarch and Boccaccio, was a humanist figurehead who helped Tuscan replace Latin as the country’s official language.  He managed this by writing his masterpiece, Divine Comedy, in Florentine, a subdialect of Tuscan.He borrowed a number of words from different dialects in order to ensure that his work could be understood by everyone. In fact, he wanted everyone to be able to understand his work, not just the educated elite.He wanted his language to be recognised by the nobility and show that it was just as beautiful as Latin.The gamble paid off. Thanks to Divine Comedy being read all over the country, the Florentine dialect became the official language and would eventually become Italian as we know it today. Dante is arguably one of the main reasons so many people speak Italian instead of Latin.Start taking Italian lessons and learn quickly.Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da Vinci is another Italian who’s kno wn all over the world.  Born in Tuscany in 1456 and died in Amboise, France, 1515, Leonardo de Vinci was a man of many talents.He was fascinated by civil engineering, invention, and mathematics as well as being a painter and sculptor. You’ve probably heard of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. These are arguably the artist’s most famous works.The Mona Lisa can be found in the Louvre, Paris. If you want to see it, it's recommended that you give yourself a lot of time because the queues to see it are absolutely massive.However, he also designed machines that resemble aeroplanes, helicopters, submarines, and cars.MichelangeloMichelangelo is another famous Italian painter.He was born in the Republic of Florence in 1475 and died in Rome in 1564. During his life, he was famous for his immense talent during the Renaissance.Due to his fame, a number of big names commissioned works from him. Some of his famous customers included Popes Clement VII, Paul III, and Julius II.His most famous works include the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling and David. The Sistine Chapel can be found in the Vatican City and is the official residence of the Pope. Just like the Mona Lisa, if you want to see this piece, expect to wait a while.Italian Cinema: A Great Way to Improve Your ItalianDid you know you could improve your Italian by watching these 5 films?There are plenty of cinephiles who are learning Italian online and looking for new ways to learn!This is how you should do it:Choose films you like or would like to seeWatch the Italian version with English subtitlesWatch the film again in Italian with Italian subtitlesFinally, watch the film again without any subtitles.By following these steps, you can improve your listening and reading. Furthermore, you can also practise pronouncing the new words you hear.  You can also learn at your own pace.Watching films is a great way to learn a language. Source: skitterphoto.com)Not sure which film to pick?Here are a few of the best Italian films a ccording to critics and audiences:We All Loved Each Other So Much (Comedy-Drama 1974)The Easy Life (Comedy-Drama, 1962)8 ½ (Comedy-drama, 1963)The Best of Youth (Romance and drama, 2003)Ludwig (Historical drama and biopic, 1973)The Pigeon (Crime, 1958)The Scientific Cardplayer (Comedy-drama, 1972)Vincere (Historical drama, 2009)La Bella Gente (Drama, 2011)Once Upon A Time in the West (Western, 1968)Life is Beautiful (Historical comedy-drama, 1997)However, these are just a taster when it comes to Italian cinema. There are so many gems, both old and new, that are worth a watch.It’s a great way to learn Italian while enjoying yourself. However, you need to make sure you're actively watching the films and not just putting them on in the background. If you don't understand or hear something, don't be afraid to rewind and watch the scene again and again until you get it.In-home Academic Support: An Opportunity to Learn More about Italian CultureGetting Italian tutorials is a great idea. Make the most of them by learning more about Italian culture as well as the language.Don’t forget that language and culture go hand in hand. A good tutor will help you to learn more about grammar, conjugations, vocabulary, and Italian expressions while putting them in the culture context of the country where the language is used.In other words, studying a language is studying culture. We can’t forget about Italian food, philosophy, and operas that came about thanks to Italian culture. In fact, if you like cooking, why not combine Italian cuisine and your language lessons?Pizza is probably Italy's most popular cultural export. (Source: pixabay.com)If you love history, you should look for a tutor who knows a thing or two about Italian history from the Roman Empire to the modern day. Search for Italian classes London or see what your own city has to offer!You can also learn more by travelling to somewhere in Italy like Venice, Turin, Sicily, for example.There’s nothing better tha n learning Italian whilst visiting the country. Learning languages are, after all, a great way to learn more about different cultures and peoples.Focus on Important Italian Historic FiguresIn addition to artists, you should check out these 16 well-known Italians.Benito Mussolini: Italian PoliticianMussolini is one of Italy’s most well-known leaders. In fact, he was even known as Il Duce (The Leader).As the head of the National Fascist Party, he brought Italy into the Second World War as Hiter’s ally.Why did we decide to talk about this person? Because it’s important to remember that every country has their dark days as well as their golden ages. Also because Mussolini had a significant impact on modern Italian.In fact, when he was head of the government, he banned minority languages and removed foreign words from the Italian lexicon. Fortunately, after the end of fascism in Italy, the minority languages of the country have been able to recover.Christopher Columbus: Italian Exp lorerJust like Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus was a famous Italian explorer.  He is considered the first European to have sailed to the Americas although the Norse explorer Leif Erikson beat him by about 500 years.Christopher Columbus is often criticised for his treatment of the indigenous people. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)However, it was Christopher Columbus who seemingly started the trend of settling in the Americas. According to historians, this might be the most significant event of modern human history.Antonio Vivaldi: Italian MusicianYou can’t mention Italian music and not mention Vivaldi.Vivaldi, who gave us masterpieces such as The Four Seasons, L'estro armonico, and The Stabat Mater, died in 1741.He was a accomplished violinist and influenced a number of composers including Johann Sebastian Bach.Galileo Galilei: Italian ScientistWhen it comes to scientists, we have to mention Galileo.Galileo, who died in 1642, is considered the father of physics. Furthermore, he establ ished the foundations of modern mechanics.Galileo’s work helped make huge advances in the fields of geometry, maths, astronomy, and physics. He is, without a doubt, one of the greatest European scientists of all time. Sadly, he suffered significantly for his beliefs and his work in science.Francesco Totti: Italian Sports PersonSport is also a large part of culture. When it comes to sport, Francesco Totti is an absolute legend.He started his career at Roma in 1993 and stayed there (despite many other offers) for his entire career.In addition to winning the World Cup with Italy in 2006, he’s also considered one of the 100 greatest footballers alive today.We hope this article has made you want to learn a bit more about Italian culture.  For centuries, Italian culture has been famous around the world.This is thanks to the many famous Italians who have helped mankind advance in their respective fields.  If you have a passion or a subject you like, you should ask your private tutor if they can focus your Italian classes on it.You’ll learn more with seemingly less effort.

Great Microphones for Singers

Great Microphones for Singers The Best Microphones for Singing ChaptersShure SM58Rode NT1AAKG D5MXL 770Shure SM7BSennheiser MD421AKG C214Rode NTKAudio-Technica AT 2035Neumann TLM 102“Singing provides a true sense of lightheartedness. If I sing when I am alone, I feel wonderful. It's freedom.” - Andrea BocelliWhen learning to sing, we’re often tempted to perform in front of an audience. After all, you can sing professionally and show off your skills as a singer for money. When it comes to getting on stage and showing off your voice, you’ll probably need a good quality microphone.  When paired with a mixing deck and an amplifier, microphones can be quite versatile.Nearly two-thirds of Britons listen to music every day. With such a love of music, it’s hardly surprising that there are plenty of people who’d like to learn how to sing, record themselves, or perform live.So which are the best microphones for recording your singing voice?In this article, we'll be looking at a range of different microphones that are worth picking up if you wa nt to record yourself singing. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsShure SM58Björk, U2, and many other artists use this microphone. It’s quickly becoming one of the most popular microphones for singers down to its sound quality.This is why everyone loves it. It’s very sensitive, robust, and ergonomic. It’s great for all situations, even concerts!Its main strength is its versatility. It’s great for all levels and situatio ns and is great value-for-money. It can boost bass frequencies under 100 Hz. There are a lot of different microphones on the market. (Source: Skitterphoto)Find out more sound cards for recording your voice.Rode NT1AAn average price for an excellent quality microphone that a lot of singers will love. This is one of the best static mics available.The Rode NT1A has a great sound without background noise, a great price, and a great reputation. Three elements which make it a great studio microphone.This microphone is great for beginners and it’ll work great with a pop filter. Perfect for quick and efficient editing!But the best thing about this microphone is its versatility! It’s perfect for karaoke, too.AKG D5This balanced microphone quickly gives your voice clarity, balance, and presence. It’s very good for deep voices, speaking, and, most importantly, singing, which is great because that’s what we’re looking at today.The AKG D5 will show you things that you mightn’t notice at first. It’s got a clear, balanced, and powerful sound, which is exactly what you want for singing, isn’t it?MXL 770This range of dynamic condenser mics is one of the best value-for-money microphones you can get on a budget. The soft, clear, and balanced sound makes this microphone ideal for singing and improving your singing technique.This is also why rappers like this microphone so much. It’s great for bass and a good balance against background noises. In short, if this sounds like what you’re looking for, this is the mic to pick up. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsShure SM7BThis cardioid microphone was created in 1976. It gives vocals and instruments a natural sound. It’s perfect for singing. Shure are known for their quality microphones. (Source: MandCstudios)It’s often used for singing and broadcasting. You can do this with a pop filter or altering the EQ.The Shure SM7B will thus be protected from interference, even whispering. In short, this is a microphone designed with real voices in mind. Be it rock, pop, or gospel, this is the microphone that recorded Michael Jackson’s Thriller.Sennheiser MD421This isn’t just any cardioid microphone. This dynamic microphone is great for recording your voice. Thanks to the 5-position bass control and great resistance to the Larsen effect.The Sennheiser MD421 is great for recording bass, drums, guitars, percussion, or any other instrument, for that matter. Again, it’s on this list because of just how versatile it is. When you sing, instruments aren’t usually far behind you and this microphone works well with both.AKG C214With its classic and effective design, the AKG C214 is a condenser microphone with a great sound for sin ging. Its frequency spectrum is quite flat and it softens the voice towards 1500 Hz. The mic you use in the studio mightn't be the same as the one you use live. (Source: thekaleidoscope)You can also record at a loud volume thanks to the 20dB PAD. Loud noises can be reduced, which is why this microphone is great for singing.In terms of the sounds themselves, high voices will be made warmer and nasal voices will sound less aggressive. However, rap won’t work great with this mic. This is a microphone for singers, pure and simple.Check out the best headphones for singers.Rode NTKThis condenser microphone is perfect for voices thanks to its warm and soft sound. It’d be great for recording a whole album.The best thing about it is just how cheap it is in comparison to similar microphones. It hasn’t got the most impressive spec sheet but it’s got a wide dynamic range, internal capsule shock mounting, and a high level of RF rejection.In short, this microphone is great for professional singers.Audio-Technica AT 2035The Audio-Technica AT 2035 is a large-diaphragm conden ser microphone with a good cardioid directivity. It’s designed with singing in mind and studio use. It’s a great microphone for singers due to its sensitivity and low background noise.There are warm middles and soft trebles. It has a rather flat frequency spectrum, making it great for singers.Find out more about budgeting for a home studio.Neumann TLM 102Available in a black or nickel finish, this cardioid microphone is great for a home studio. This large-diaphragm microphone is great for recording instruments including percussion. Neumann mics are a good shout if you want to record vocals. (Source: simlog)But what we’re interested in is how well it can record voices. The integrated pop shield is great for sibilants. The last thing you want is those popping and crackling sounds when you’re singing at full volume.  In short, while Neumann has a great range of products, this one is great value-for-money, especially for those looking for something a bit more professional.You can pick most of these microphones from a music store and we recommend that you do as you'll be able to try them out before you buy them. Of course, you can always try them out in-store and then buy them online (where they're often cheaper), but if you want to support the high street shops and their helpful staff, you should probably buy them from the shop that helped you as if they close down, you'll no longer be able to do that.If you're happy with buying online and not trying out your microphones first, then you'll be spoilt for choice online. A quick search for any of these microphones and you'll find various sellers and you can just pick the cheapest.So with this great selection, you can get that you’ll find something to suit you whether you’re practising, recording, or performing. Best get those vocal cords warmed up!If you need more help with your singing, consider getting in touch with one of the many talented and experienced tutors on Superprof. There are three main types of singing tutorial available and each has its pros and cons so have a look at what's on offer and see what will work best for you, your learning style, and your budget.Face-to-face tutorials are between just you and your tutor. Since you're the only student, the tutorials will be planned around you, what you want to learn, and how you like to learn. Of course, this bespoke service comes at a price and face-to-face tutorials tend to be the most costly per hour of tuition. That said, they're also the most cost-effective since every minut e in a tutorial is spent teaching you how to sing.Online tutorials are similar to face-to-face tutorials in that they're between a single tutor and a single student. However, thanks to the marvels of modern technology, you can be taught over the internet thanks to video conferencing software. However, since your tutor won't have to travel to you and can schedule more lessons each week, they can also charge more competitive rates.Group tutorials tend to be the cheapest per hour because the tutor's time is being paid for by everyone in the class. Unlike the other two types of tutorials, the tutor won't be able to offer bespoke tuition as they have several students to keep happy. However, if you and a few friends all want to learn how to sing, you can share the cost of private tutorials between yourselves in group tutorials.Don't forget that many of the tutors on Superprof also offer free tuition for the first hour. You can use this time to see if you get along, if they're right for yo u, and discuss how much they charge and what you'd like to learn from them during your time working together.

SAT Scores Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

SAT Scores Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace Scholastic Assessment Test, also popularly known as SAT is a standardized and recognized assessment test for high school students. Students who wish to study in colleges and universities after high school take SAT so that they get enrolled to start their college life in the United States. SAT test paper examines students knowledge and skills in 3 main sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. The questions range from easy to medium to difficult level. The main purpose of this exam is to prepare students to take up college level courses and SAT scores are required by most colleges and universities as they can analyze the students academic knowledge. Some colleges prefer students scores in specific subjects and in those cases; students can take the SAT Subject tests. These subject tests examine the students level of knowledge in specific subjects only. In SAT exam, there is negative penalty for giving wrong answers to the multiple choice questions. Therefore it is recommended for the students not to guess many answers as wrong answers simply deduct points from the existing score. After the test, SAT scores are provided to the student and the students respective high school nearly after 5 weeks of taking the test. During registration for the test, students can choose the option of getting the score reports online as well as getting the paper score report through mail. If a student does not have an online College Board account, then the student will receive the paper score report through mail.

Probability help can help you to learn better mathematics with TutorPace

Probability help can help you to learn better mathematics with TutorPace Online tutoring is gaining lot of popularity with the passage of time. Students and their parents take the most advantage with the help of online tutoring. Today with the passage of internet things have become easier for everyone of us. We are able to get every kind of help in our fingertips. Internet has helped lives to become easy and faster. Online tutoring is also one of the facilities that have helped in making our lives better in respect to the education sector. Learning has become easier and smoother with online tutoring beside. Today any kind of tutoring help is possible through online tutoring. You can get the help with just a click on your mouse. Every subject is well taught and with efficiency. But all these things are then possible when you have a good institute beside you. A good and reputed institute can help you with all these facilities. Have you ever heard about the term probability? Probability is a part of mathematics subject or a topic of this subject that deals with the chances and the non chances. It is an interesting part and students are interested to solve these kinds of sums. Probability gives you a chance for the thing to happen and also there are chances that the thing will not happen. The entire process has a 50-50 chance. Probability is a term which refers to chances of happening an event with several number of times in time’t’ and with respect to external environment. For working parents the best way to help their child is through online tutoring services. This way the child can learn better and in a much advanced way. The subject that the child is most weak in can be helped by the teacher. Online tutoring institutes have various types of facilities that are impossible for any private tutoring service to provide. Today with the private tutoring services turning much competitive and professional is been carried away with demanding huge amount of charges that is not possible for many middle class family to afford. Whereas, online tutoring, good and reputed institutes provide great facilities at very affordable prices so that you can be easily getting the best for your child within your reach. Now let us know a bit more about online tutoring and how much helpful it will be for any student. There are some of the basic facilities that online tutoring provides and that should be noted down and kept in mind. The online tutoring institute is very reachable. You do not have to move about here and there in for search of any online tutoring institute. With the help of internet you can get in touch with any of the online tutoring institute. It is easy and also accessible. The online teachers who are present at these institutes have well proficiency with the subject and thus they can carry on well with the subject. The teachers are recruited after lot of research work and also after passing the tough interview process. The teachers who are recruited have good grip over the subject and have even good qualification related with the subject. It is only then that the teacher is recruited by any institute. As every institute thinks about his or her image so it is possible for every institute to get the best. The online tutoring teachers are available all round the clock. The online tutoring institute is into this business and thus they do not want to leave any stone unturned. This all round the clock service is also provided due to the fact that students can take help whenever they want and wherever they want. This helps the student in lot of ways possible. They can cater the service of online tutoring whenever they want saving their time and energy. The students have the enormous amount of time that will help them to attend the classes whenever they want. This saves their time, energy and also transportation expenses. The entire process is less time taking than the other forms of learning. It is easy for any student to fetch the online tutoring classes whenever they want at any odd time of the day. The good online tutoring institute helps the students with providing one on one service. Have you ever heard about one on one service? If no then you can know about it here. One on one service is mostly applicable for any weak or any shy student. An introvert student in not able to take up the teachings that easily from the teachers in presence of all. So they face lot of hardships due to this and also suffer poor grades. Parents scold then for this. One on one service will help them with the service to learn from an individual teacher under his or her guidance. This will help the students with lot of help as they can learn better and can also clear up their doubts whenever it appears. The comfort zone for any online tutoring service is to its highest. Students who have enrolled themselves in any of the reputed institute can easily sit at their comfort zone and avail the classes at any time of the day and for unlimited period. This saves time and energy for a student and also helps the student to concentrate more on their studies. Thus, good results follow. Today you will get many online tutoring institutes, but among many of them you have to choose any one. You can go by TutorPace. TutorPace is an online tutoring institute that will help the students with all the above facilities they want. They can easily work with the help of the teachers available there. The charges for any of the services by this institute are minimal and any middle class family can easily afford it.   Thus, Probability help is not far away from you and you can have then easily under your clutch with TutorPace.  

What is it Like to Attend University of Massachusetts Boston

What is it Like to Attend University of Massachusetts Boston The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Samantha is a Boston tutor specializing in Elementary Math tutoring,Middle School Math tutoring, Biology tutoring, Writing tutoring, and more. She is a 2013 graduate of University of Massachusetts Boston and holds a Bachelors degree in both Biology and in Exercise and Health Sciences. See what she had to say about her alma mater: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Samantha:The campus is located on a peninsula in South Boston. There are ocean views from almost every building on the campus and even some of the classrooms! Each building is connected to the other via a catwalk this makes getting from class to class, regardless of the weather or time, completely manageable. The campus is easily accessible by car (right off a few main highways), bus, or the subway. The campus itself is very safe. Some of the surrounding areas of Dorchester are less safe late at night, but in my time at UMass Boston, I never felt unsafe arriving or leaving campus, and most certainly never felt unsafe on the campus itself. Many students ride their bikes to school. There is also a Hubway station directly in front of the main Campus Center building. Most students use public transportation or drive. Parking can be a bit of an issue if you arrive in the afternoon for class due to the construction, but shuttles are available to students who have to park in the lots furthest from the campus. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Samantha:All of the professors have required office hours and are almost always open to schedule appointments around your availability. The trouble isnt the availability of professors for the students, its the courage and drive of the students to seek out the help, guidance, and support of those professors. Establishing connections with professors can make an incredible difference in your academic experience and success; I highly encourage it. Academic advisers are not the strongest at UMass Boston, but have definitely improved over the years. The teaching assistants are usually graduate students at the university. Many of them share the same enthusiasm as you for the classes that you are taking, and the fact that they are recent undergraduates and close to your age is very welcoming. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Samantha:UMass Boston is predominately a commuter school and does not have dorms. There are local housing communities and apartments that some students live in within a 5-minute walk to campus. I commuted for my first few years of school, but spent my senior year living on campus and absolutely loved it. The housing is beautiful and many have ocean views, although it is very pricey given the location! However, if you are looking to avoid typical dorm-life experience, its a great alternative. There is only one full main cafeteria on campus, which can get very busy, but has great options for food. As far as I know, there is no set meal plan like many other schools with housing, but there are loadable cards available that work like cash for easy purchases. I do believe hours of operation of the cafeteria and coffee shops on campus could and should be extended to accommodate those who study late! VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Samantha:I graduated with a BS in Exercise and Health Sciences from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and a BS in Biology from the College of Science and Mathematics. During my time at UMB and interactions with students and faculty from those two colleges, I gained an immense amount of experience in varying backgrounds, all of which gave me the courage to pursue my hopes and dreams of being a physician. UMB has an overwhelming number of opportunities for research and has established connections with many local organizations, companies, hospitals, and other educational organizations. I dont believe one program is remarkably more successful than the others, but the Business, Psychology, Health Sciences, and Biological Sciences are the most popular. The curriculum at this research-based public university is rigorous, but incredibly rewarding and valuable. The university did a wonderful job supporting my particular areas of study! VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Samantha:I will be honest and say that at the start of my undergraduate career at UMass Boston, it was difficult to make friends due to the large number of commuter students. The orientation programs at the university over the past five years have dramatically improved to address this issue and have seen immeasurable success. Greek life does not play a large role on the UMB campus; in fact, its currently almost non-existent. However, I was the Founding Secretary and then President of Phi Delta Epsilon, a Professional International Co-ed Medical Fraternity. The MA Alpha Chapter of PhiDE established at UMB is the first in New England and now has over 65 members, all pre-med future physicians. It was by far my most memorable and influential experience as an undergrad and I became a part of a family that still continues to inspire me and support me. Through starting and leading the fraternity, I established relationships and connections with many faculty and staff members as well as physicians. I also communicated with local organizations for fundraising opportunities as well as with other chapters of the fraternity, both nationally and internationally. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Samantha:UMass Boston has an area called The One Stop which serves as the area where most of the logistical issues of undergrads can be resolved. They try to ensure that any adjustments, changes, or additions that need to be made to your records can be addressed in that one spot to avoid confusion. The financial aid, bursars, and other student life offices are all in the same building on different floors, allowing for little leg-work to solve any issues that arise. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Samantha:There are beautiful places to study in the main campus center building, but they fill up quickly. The library tends to be over-crowded, as most would be, around typical exam weeks throughout the semester, but for the most part there is ample space. There are many computers and desks in the library. There is also a floor designated for silent study, which is strictly enforced, and there is always space there. I have never experienced a time where I felt I had to leave campus in order to study effectively, but there are times when you have to scope out a few different spots around the campus to find space. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Samantha:Being a short t-ride away from the heart of Boston eliminates the boring aspect that some rural colleges can present. If the city is not for you, there is a large mall, many shopping centers, restaurants, and other attractions within a 15-minute drive. Many students go to Boston Bowl, which is five minutes from campus and open 24 hours. The location is beautiful and very close to Boston, one of the best cities in the country! Depending on the type of person and student you are, you will find others who stay local and others who like to venture to the city! VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Samantha:UMass Boston has grown significantly over the past few years. It has the second largest campus in the UMass system and over 16,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Although the schools demographics deem it to be large, UMass Boston has an extremely homey and welcoming feel. I was generally pleased with the typical class sizes. Many of my introductory level science courses contained a couple hundred students in a large lecture hall, but each was supplemented with a discussion and laboratory section to introduce a more focused and teamwork-based learning environment. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Samantha: My most memorable professor was without a doubt, Dr. Robert Guimond, Professor for Anatomy Physiology.His compassion, approachability, and encouragement are invaluable to an undergraduate student advisee. His enthusiasm and dedication to the students and the Sciences is something that is rarely encountered. A person and a professor like Dr. Guimond can completely change an undergraduates experience for the better, as it did mine. Anatomy Physiology as a class showed me my true passion and ignited my love of collaborative learning. I had never realized how truly amazing and intelligent the human body is until I took A+P. A+P opened my eyes to a style of teaching that relied strictly on true learning and understanding of the material. It took time, organization, patience, and determination to succeed. There were no slides to cram, or ways to cut corners. It truly separated the men from the mice and I found it to be extremely exciting and inspiring. Check out Samanthas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.