Tuesday, March 31, 2020

UC Davis Chemistry Major Requirements

UC Davis Chemistry Major RequirementsIf you are planning to major in UCD Chemistry, you will be required to take one of two required courses, Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. It is important to realize that the first requirement is not required, unless you want to major in Physics. This course will offer you some basic knowledge of the physical world and help you prepare for the rest of your degree.A third requirement that is generally required by all students is Biochemistry, which is a foundational requirement for most of the majors at UCD. The Biochemistry major requires some independent study and one core class for this program. This includes Molecular Biology and Genetics, Genomics, Genetics, and Cell Biology, Genetics, and Microbiology.All three of these programs require some form of lab or laboratory course as part of the undergraduate major. The Chemistry department has two such programs. The first is Chemistry 198A, which is one of the prerequisites for the Physical Chemistry major. The second course is called Chem 218, which is also required for the Chemical Foundations major.Two of the major requirements for the Biology and Anatomy majors are Calculus. The Biology major requires Calculus 2 and Calculus 1, and the Anatomy major requires Calculus. If you plan to do both, the department can either supply you with a calculus course in addition to your Calculus 2 course or substitute Calculus for your Calculus 1.If you are already taking any course from the two prerequisites in one of the major requirements, you will be required to pass a technicality exam. If you have not taken one of the prerequisites yet, you will need to get this written permission from the department before you can start taking the course. It is advisable to ask the department if they have any special restrictions or additional fees for this. If you choose to take the technicality exam, you should expect to pay a small fee.The remainder of the course requirements vary for ea ch of the four science disciplines, but each will require some prerequisites in order to fulfill the rest of the requirements. The Biological Sciences major requires biology at the 500 level, which can be substituted with Math 488A. The Chemistry major requires Math 195A, which can be substituted with Math 489A.The second prerequisite for the Science minor in Chemistry is Calculus, which you will be required to take. These two courses are offered in the department of Earth Sciences and must be taken with a grade of C or better. The Physical Sciences minor requires Calculus, Math 426A, and Math 488A, which can be replaced with Math 429.The only other requirement that is not a prerequisite for all of the biology, anatomy, and chemistry majors at UCD is Biomedical Engineering. This course is only offered once per year in the fall, winter, and spring. A pre-licensing exam will be given to students who will be taking this course, so you will have to have taken all of the prerequisites be fore applying to take the course.

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